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Air Conditioning

How To Zone Ducted Air Conditioning

How To Zone Ducted Air Conditioning

Key Takeaways: Zoned ducted air conditioning allows users to control their home’s air conditioning through an 8-inch touchscreen and adjust airflow to specific rooms in the house, which can save energy and lower utility bills. Zoned air conditioning eliminates the need to heat or cool little-used areas, ensures comfort in specific areas, and offers energy … Read more

Air Conditioning And Working From Home

Air Conditioning And Working From Home

Key Takeaways: The global pandemic has led to a significant increase in individuals working from home. Providing comfortable temperatures is crucial when working from home, as they directly impact work productivity. Uncomfortable temperatures can make it difficult to concentrate and achieve work goals. Air conditioning can be a solution to temperature-related work problems. Especially for … Read more

Maximising Your Air Conditioning Efficiency with Smart Home Technology

Air conditioning can make your home more comfortable but can also be a significant energy drain, particularly during the hot summer. With the increasing popularity of smart home technology, homeowners now have more options than ever to maximise their air conditioning efficiency and save money on their energy bills. Here are several ways that you … Read more

Summer Heat in the UK: How to Stay Cool and Not Overwork Your Air Conditioner

Summer Heat in the UK: How to Stay Cool and Not Overwork Your Air Conditioner

Every summer, our company receives many calls about systems that need to be fixed. We get it: staying cool in the UK is a serious business. Despite their system performing as best, people still call for Air Conditioning service given the circumstances. And many people wonder why this would happen. Unfortunately, your air conditioner has … Read more